How to save money and invest properly?Money saving tricks

 Everyone wants to grow their money. But before getting started the question arises as ' how to'  or say the basic question is ' what is to be rich about?' Just buying a Mercedes or BMW and driving it or ending up eating on 5star restaurants. Well this are all icing on the cake. To be really rich one must know to how to accumulate enough money and secure the future. The money should be invested of course in a long term perspective. 

So, what are the ways of growing money.

The ways are:- 

1. Saying no to debt.

2. Keep a consistency on your investment.

3. Don't put all your eggs,in one basket.

4. As the priority changes, investment must be switched.

5. Start early.

6. Invest smartly.

7. Fear must be put aside 

8. Get an expert to advice you about how to grow your money.

1. Saying no debt.  For many people, debt is like marsh. They will take more debt to get out of their present debts and in this process instead of coming out of the problem they fall more deeper into it. And for most of the people, this becomes the biggest barrier in becoming rich. 

You have make sure about yourself that you do not take debt until it is way too necessary. Do not even think of investing until you get that heavy bag of debt off from your shoulder. 

2. Consistency. A moody person can be a good lover but not a good investor. For most of us it works in a way- we will get excited about thing and start it giving our full efforts and putting our dreams and planning together and giving it enough time to grow and pull our hands off it. It is a human tendency to start something aggressively and quiting it over a month or few, be it doing exercises, learning a new instrument or investing. But in case of invest , if you do not keep the consistency than it will directly lead you to loss. 

3. Not putting all your eggs in one basket refers diversifying. In simple words, it advices the investor to put his money across diverse options like real estate,bonds,mutual funds etc. This is the best option to put your money at diverse places so that even if one of the money comes at loss than other would not be bearing the losses.

4. Swtiching of investment. As we grow older our perspective and priority changes according to it. For example a guy in his early 20s will think of wearing tees, riding and driving having fun, impressing women however a guy in his 40s will definitely not think about this all things( the situation is only used as an example, there was no intention to hurt anyone's sentiment).

Your financial needs change with your age so, as your investment. 

5. Starting early. A tree grown will not start growing giving it's full potential in one day to grow. It needs it own time and with time it becomes more stronger. Same is with investment. The early you start investing the more time you get , and also gain more knowledge about investment. 

The secret to why does starting early works, directly lies in the power of compounding. 

6. Smart investment. Many stocks and bonds will give a catchy advertisement. Do not get enchanted to these advertisements. You should use your own sight and discretion while making choice in investment.

• Always turn to investments suiting your appetite.

• Never put your money in investment that you do not understand.

• Do not invest more than you can put at stake.

 If you are the one of a kind that does not want your hard earned money in the stock market to fluctuate and eat away  then you should adopt a conservative investment mode. Try to make the best investment by putting your money in NPS, PPF, these are the tax saving investment .

7. No one learns to swim by just stepping into water. So, if you want to grow your money and become rich you will have to put your fear aside and start investing. If you decide to put nothing to risk might result at putting everything to risk. And in this thought, many people thinks that saving the money is same as investment. No, you're totally wrong, it's not. If you choose to save your money in saving schemes rather than investing it somewhere, than you might end up getting outrun in inflation and ultimately losing the value of money.

8. Expert advice. If you're still too confused about your own priorities in investment and you're not able to take a decision it better you take an expert advice or a professional. Let a financial advisor look and suggest  investments that suits your appetite. It will definitely help you to figure out an investment strategy.
